Ned Batchelder writes:

 > "lambda" is unnecessarily obscure.

And it should be.  It's really only useful as an argument.  There's no
advantage to

    foo = (x) -> 1


    def foo(x): return 1

except a couple of characters.  So what currently looks like

    some_list.sort(key=lambda e: e[3].priority)

would then be


which is shorter but not particularly more readable (and already has a
familiar meaning in C-like languages).  It seems to me that two
changes to def might be considered:

1.  In a one-line def of the form "def foo([arglist]): return EXPR",
    "return" may be omitted, and the function returns the value of
    EXPR (rather than None as currently).  (As a multiline def, EXPR
    would be presumed to be evaluated for side effects, and 

2.  As an actual argument, a one-line def is interpreted not as a
    positional argument, but as a keyword argument, so that in

    some_list.sort(def key(e): e[3].priority)

    the name "key" is not optional, and must match a keyword argument.

I suggest 1 for "ordinary" defs as well for consistency, but evidently
we could also restrict that usage to "def as keyword argument", and
maintain backwards compatibility.

2 could even be independent of 1:

    some_list.sort(def key(e): return e[3].priority)

but that seems excessively verbose.

Another possible use case would be in a for loop:

    for fun in [def fun(): return 1,
                def fun(): return 2,
                def fun(): return 3]:

where similarly the loop variable needs to match the def.

 > Beginner: "why is it called lambda?"
 > Teacher: "Don't worry about it, just use it to define a function"

It me.  But it would go like this:

Teacher [face lights up at the chance to talk math history]: "You see, ..."

Students [in harmony]: "NOOOOOOOOooooooo.......... :-(" [collective sigh]

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