I will be very happy if those versions of Callable and anonymous functions 
exist in Python right now. See how elegant that would look like.. 

def func(x: int, y: int, f: (int, int) -> int) -> int:
        return f(x, y) 

print(func(3, 4, (x, y) => x + y)) #Out: 7

Imagine your mouse is on :func: ‘func’ in VSC or PyCharm and see that you need 
the third parameter to be of type (int, int) -> int, you can immediately write 
an anonymous function that mirrors the structure of the annotation but instead 
of ->, you have =>. Straight forward.

> On 18 Feb 2021, at 12:43 PM, Paul Sokolovsky <pmis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (x, y) -> x + y    translates to:   Callable[[x, y], x + y]
> while
> (x, y) => x + y    translates to:   lambda x, y: x + y
> Huge difference.

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