On 2021-02-24 02:52, Stéfane Fermigier wrote:
> I have currently 57 apps installed via pipx on my laptop, and the 57
> environments take almost 1 GB already.

I never understood the fear around version conflicts. Perhaps it has to do with the decline of sys-admin skills over the years? So, the strategy above feels like swatting a fly with a sledgehammer to me. Same as with a venv for every app. :-)

Rather than installing every package this way, why not wait until a conflict actually occurs?

Personally, I rarely have such conflicts, maybe every few years or so. When it happens, I fix them by uninstalling the offender and putting the more difficult one into the venv or pipx. Right now I only have one, a giant app from work that uses pipenv, and it's fine.

Now what about sudo and all that? Well, I used it in the old days because that's what the instructions said. But, to be honest, it never made any sense. I haven't shared a computer in decades, and when we did we used NFS for common tools, so it never saved any disk space.

Pip (and easy_install?) dragged their feet for years to properly support user installs (should have been default) but once they did I didn't look back. I dump almost all packages to user, which gets cleaned up every other year when the distro moves to the next version. The strategy has been working well for a long time.

So, --user works at the low end, and containers for the high end. Honestly, I don't have much of a use case any longer for venvs.

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