On Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 3:17 AM Stephen J. Turnbull
<turnbull.stephen...@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:
> One practical problem with RPN is that one way to break up and "mark"
> subexpressions *without* temporary variables is to use (physical)
> newlines and indentation.  With infix notation
>     (minuend          # note: parentheses are idiomatic Python line
>      - subtrahend     # continuation
>      + multiplicand
>        * multiplier)
> reads well and parses easily in-brain.

Something worth noting - and it's not closely related to this section,
but it's near enough and I'm going to quote this as an example - is
that complicated expressions can be logically grouped, just like prose
can. You have sentences, phrases, words. In the example you give here,
"multiplicand * multiplier" needs to be a phrase, since it will be
evaluated before the addition and subtraction are. Ideally, the way
you lay out the code should correspond to its logical meaning; at very
least, it shouldn't contradict it.

(minuend - subtrahend
   + multiplicand * multiplier)

Or alternatively:

  - subtrahend
  + multiplicand * multiplier)

Algebra gives us a HIGHLY compact notation (far too compact to be
truly useful in computing, as it's very blackboard/paper oriented)
that does a great job of grouping terms (words) and subexpressions
(phrases). Take, for example, this explanation of the Basel problem:


It's extremely clear that you are summing a series of terms, where
each term is the inverse of a square. On the positive side, it's
compact and elegant; on the negative side, parentheses group it to
make sure you don't negate at the wrong time.

But algebra, like shell languages, is ill-suited to general purpose
programming. That's why we don't write our code using abuttal to
indicate multiplication, or multi-line text with fraction bars inside
fraction bars and different sizes of text. Still, the idea of grouping
should be the same. Find the parts that logically represent a "phrase"
within your "sentence", and gather those together. For instance,
here's how I invoke ffmpeg to create a movie clip:

    "ffmpeg", "-i", inputfile,
    "-ss", str(last_end + int(args.get("trimstart", 0))),
    "-t", str(start - last_end - int(args.get("trimend", 0))),
    "-c", "copy", output,
    "-y", "-loglevel", "quiet", "-stats",
], check=True)

Each line is a logical phrase. Run ffmpeg on this file; start at this
point; go for this length; copy it to this file; and shut up, I don't
need all the noise. Oh, and make sure it succeeds, else bomb.

Doing that with RPN doesn't work. It doesn't even make sense. RPN is
the assembly code of algebra - it's good at identifying minute steps
in a process, it's easy to write an interpreter for it, but it sucks
at actually describing someone's intentions.

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