In truth, when I want fractions, I write:

from fractions import Fraction as F

So a literal doesn't really save many characters anyway. I guess 2
characters during first use. E.g.

x = F(1, 3)

vs. a possible future:

x = 1F / 3

The next stuff comes free either way:

y = ((x / 7) + 13) * 11

On Fri, May 14, 2021, 11:38 AM Paul Moore <> wrote:

> On Fri, 14 May 2021 at 16:29, David Mertz <> wrote:
> >
> > The memory simply blows up too fast for this to be practical (at least
> as a default) a float is always 64 bits, a fraction is unboundedly large if
> numerator and denominator are coprime.
> >
> > A toy example with a half dozen operations won't make huge fractions. A
> loop over a million operations will often be a gigantic memory hog.
> +1 on this. My experience has been that fraction classes are a lot
> less useful in (general) practical situations than people
> instinctively assume.
> > That said, Chris's idea for a literal spelling of "Fraction" is very
> appealing. One extra letter or symbol could indicate that you want to work
> in the Fraction domain rather than floating point. That's a perfectly
> reasonable decision for a user to make.
> Agreed, it is appealing. The problem (and this is not a new
> suggestion, it's come up a number of times) is that of having language
> syntax depend on non-builtin classes. So either you have to *also*
> propose making the fractions module a builtin, or you very quickly get
> sucked into "why not make this mechanism more general, so that
> libraries can define their own literals?"
> Scope creep is nearly always what kills these proposals. Or the base
> proposal is too specialised to gain enough support.
> Personally, I can see value in fraction, decimal and regex literals.
> But I can live without them.
> Paul
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