Reply to Chris:

Yes I know that. sys.stdout exists there for that reason only. But if we can't 
print then it means we changed it somewhere. I just gave an example. I've seen 
code where constants can be really necessary. Python lets us use these things 
because it's a programming language. But libraries are not programming 
languages. They are there to enhance the programming. Suppose we're testing out 
a library. Now maybe there's something really critical we shouldn't change. We 
must access but mustn't change. And we mistakenly changed it. Now we're not 
gonna deploy our application. So we don't run a type checker. Now we run and 
the program crashes and yet we can't find where is the bug. Why should tools be 
needed to solve such an obvious problem? Why can't Python itself help us like 
it does when we add int and str?
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