On 11Jun2021 10:01, Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> wrote:
>So your idea does not suck. But it may not motivate anyone to implement
>it, or even to agreed that it should be implemented.

It also struck me: functions with _no_ parameters are pretty rare.

I had a glance through my own code and aside from some closures 
(functions within a running function, getting their variables from the 
enclosing scope) I've got a few which either access state from some 
global or which generate something standalone, eg a primes() function 
which just generates the primes starting from 2, a function I maybe even 
don't use. They are very few.

So these seem pretty rare. Just how often do you write such a function 
yourself? Got a real world example?

I'm making an argument that this is already a pretty niche situation 

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>
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