> Why would it be "interesting"? I don't see any practical advantage, and
as soon as you need any form of logic you have to rewrite, so why bother?

The advantage of having a declarative API for deprecations is tooling
support. It is much easier to detect decorator application than to reliably
infer whether a function/class emits (or raises) a DeprecationWarning.

I started a similar thread [*] a few weeks ago, but have had no chance to
reply properly since.



On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 3:59 PM Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 29 Jul 2021 at 15:39, Leonardo Freua
> <leonardo.batista.fr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Would it be interesting to create a @deprecated decorator to avoid
> adding warnings.warn("deprecation message", DeprecationWarning,
> stacklevel=2) in methods body?
> I don't see the value personally.
> > Using the decorator approach to indicate depreciation would make the
> methods cleaner (leaving only their responsibilities in the body) and would
> be easier to identify, as the cue would be close to the method signature
> and not mixed with the logic inside the body.
> First line of the body vs line before the declaration doesn't feel
> like it makes much difference to me.
> > in some cases it will still be necessary to put warnings.warn (..)
> inside the body of functions/methods because of some message display
> condition, or we could also express the message display condition in the
> decorator in @deprecated itself. But it would be interesting to have the
> possibility of not putting this inside the method body. Even the decorator
> can come from the notices module.
> Why would it be "interesting"? I don't see any practical advantage,
> and as soon as you need any form of logic you have to rewrite, so why
> bother?
> If you want this to get support, I think you need to argue the
> benefits far more than you have so far...
> > Example:
> >
> > (Before)
> >
> > def check_metadata(self):
> >         """Deprecated API."""
> >         warn("distutils.command.register.check_metadata is deprecated, \
> >               use the check command instead", PendingDeprecationWarning)
> >         check = self.distribution.get_command_obj('check')
> >         check.ensure_finalized()
> >         check.strict = self.strict
> >         check.restructuredtext = 1
> >         check.run()
> >
> > (after)
> >
> > @deprecated("distutils.command.register.check_metadata is deprecated, \
> >         use the check command instead")
> > def check_metadata(self):
> >   """Deprecated API."""
> >   check = self.distribution.get_command_obj('check')
> >   check.ensure_finalized()
> >   check.strict = self.strict
> >   check.restructuredtext = 1
> >   check.run()
> TBH, the decorator version makes it harder to see the function signature.
> -1 from me, I'm afraid.
> Disclaimer: I've never actually deprecated an API in my own code, so
> my objections are mainly theoretical.
> Paul
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