Matsuoka Takuo <>:
> Now, is "1,2," more boxed up than "*(1,2)," is? The *current* rule
> surely says the former is a tuple at some places and the latter
> is not,

Actually, this was wrong. First of all,

>>> *(1,2),
(1, 2)

Moreover, while the Language Reference says

  return_stmt ::=  "return" [expression_list]


things like

  return *(),

are already allowed and () gets returned in this case, and so on! I
haven't examined everything, but so far, subscription is the only
place I've found where a starred expression in place of an expression
list indeed raises SyntaxError.

In particular, there really doesn't seem to be any reason why a
starred expression should be rejected from any place where an
expression list is accepted. In fact, rejection should _not_ be
expected, it seems.

My proposal at this point would be:
(1) remove the definition of "expression_list" from the specification of
the syntax
(2) replace every occurrence of it in the specification with

At most places this seems to only recover the current behaviour. (Even
if this idea does not survive in the end, I think the Language Reference
should be fixed to describe the behaviour correctly. The actual
behaviour is making better sense to me than what the Reference is
describing now.)

A minor question to be left then would be which new instance of
"starred_expression" in the specification of the syntax may further be
replaced with the optional one or "[starred_expression]", e.g.,


would be better allowed and evaluated to s.__getitem__(()). This may
be complicated. For example, I'm already used to returning None with


and so on. Even then, s[] doesn't seem very bad to me.

Best regards,
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