On 8/24/21 3:03 PM, Tim Hoffmann via Python-ideas wrote:

> **How do you check if a container is empty?**
> IMHO the answer should not depend on the container.

I think this is the fly in the ointment -- just about everything, from len() to bool(), to add, to iter() /all/ depend on the container -- even equality depends on the container. `and`, `or`, and `not` partially depend on the container (via bool()). Only `is` is truly independent.

> Not a solution:
> 0) The current `if not seq` syntax. "check Falsiness instead of emptiness" is 
> simplification, which is not always possible.
> Possible solutions:
> 1) Always use `if len(seq) == 0`. I think, this would works. But would we 
want to
>    write that in PEP-8 instead of `if not seq`? To me, this feels a bit too 
low level.
> 2) A protocol would formalize that concept by building respective syntax into 
>    language. But I concede that it may be overkill.
> 3) The simple solution would be to add `is_empty()` methods to all stdlib 
>    and encourage third party libs to adopt that convention as well. That 
would give a
>    uniform syntax by convention.
> Reflecting the discussion in this thread, I now favor variant 3).

And since (3) is a method on the container, it absolutely "depends on the 

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