On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 10:39:32PM -0700, Christopher Barker wrote:

> Now that's a PEP I could get behind.

You mean, like this PEP? *wink*

> Adding one feature to unittest doesn't seem worth it to me

I don't think this PEP directly proposes any new features to unittest. 
If it is accepted, who knows what will happen in the future?

> Of course not -- my point was that if you want a better test framework, you
> will want more than just this one feature -- and it you're going to use
> pytest (or something else) anyway, then why  do you need this in the
> stdlib.

The stdlib has got a test or two. We can't use pytest for the stdlib 
tests without making pytest a dependency and that would tie pytest to 
the stdlib's release cycle.

This would make assertions more useful to everyone, whatever test 
framework (or no test framework at all) they use.

> > And a lot of problems with unittest.
> > Such as?
> >
> That's a long story that I've been meaning to write up for ages, but I'll
> make these few points:
> 1) Many major (and minor)  projects use pytest, even though unittest is in
> the stdlib -- why is that? And why did they even bother writing pytest (and
> nose, back in the day)

Good question. My recollection from way back in Python 1.5 days was that 
the vibe on comp.lang.python was all "Unit test? That's from Java, it's 

Besides, everyone has their own opinion on test frameworks, like web 
frameworks and static code checkers. That's why there are so many of 
them :-)

> 2) unitest is not very open to extending -- no one wants to write many more
> assertions, and yet, we then don't have many.


Most people complain that unittest has *too many* assert methods to 
remember, not too few. I count 32 assert methods in unittest. How many 
would you like?

For the statistics test suite, I subclassed TestCase and added a new 
assert method. It's not hard to do: subclass TestCase and add some more 
methods, and call `self.failureException` with your error message if the 
test fails.

How do you extend pytest's special assertion handling?

Anyway, this isn't supposed to be a competition between test frameworks. 
There is plenty of room in the Python ecosystem for whatever test 
frameworks people want to run.

If it were a competition, they would all lose to the mighty doctest!!! 

> The way to test Exception raising (assertRaises ?) is painful :-(

    self.assertRaises(SomeException, callable, args, kwargs)

Or if you prefer:

    with self.assertRaises(SomeException):

That's almost identical to the pytest way:


(For what it's worth, both pytest and unittest introduced the context 
manager form at the same time, July 2010.)

> But I know you have looked at the self.assertSpam methods -- why have them
> at all? all they do is provide a nice failure message (at least the
> ones I've looked at) with pytest, you don't need them at all.

In practice, you don't normally call most of the specialist methods 
yourself. (Or at least I don't.) For example, assertEqual automatically 
delegates to one of the type-specific methods (lists, multi-line 
strings, tuples, etc).

I would expect that pytest probably has similar specialised methods for 
formatting type-specific exceptions, except that they are purely 
internal while unittest exposes them as public methods. You say 
tom-a-toe, I say tom-ar-tow.

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