Greetings list,

> I disagree that "it teaches a lot about how Python works" is a good
reason to keep things the way they are. If you applied this principle more
broadly, it would seem to be an argument in favour of complexity in most
situations, that would imply we should keep syntactic sugar to a bare
minimum at all times.

Well, when giving superpowers like the decorator pattern, this is a case
for it. My case is not against syntactic sugar.
My main problem is: "The simplification idea is to coerce Python to use
patterns forged elsewhere."

Like does Python need to provide official support for a main function?

It's best put into Steven's words:

> I don't think it is a good idea to give programmers coming from other
languages the false impression that Python behaves the same as the
language they are familiar with, when it doesn't. The entrypoint to
Python scripts is not main(), it is the top of the module.

eidt: forgot to reply all

Kind Regards,

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
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