What you want was popular in Cobol. That language has generally lost favor
for current development, but lots of it is still around.

Still, I don't want Python to try to be Cobol. I think the intellectual
argument for "English syntax" failed, notwithstanding installed base.

On Mon, Oct 18, 2021, 3:49 PM Mathew Elman <mathew.el...@ocado.com> wrote:

> The point is that at the moment to set this sort of api up requires a lot
> of work, defeating 50% of the value i.e. to define a new function with the
> attribute access behaviour requires defining each individual function to
> return a middle step object that has the attribute of the next function, so
> you can't define a function in plain english.
> e.g.
> def insert_into(x, y):
>     ...
> def insert(x):
>     class Return:
>         def into(self, y):
>             return insert_into(x, y)
>     return Return()
> insert.into = insert_into
> is a very long way to say:
> def insert(x)._into(y):
>     ...
> and that is without the actual logic and for only 2 positional args.
> > But why would you? It's ugly if spelled like that, and your whole
> argument is that the "interspersed arguments" form is better. If you just
> want to pass the function to something that expects "normal" argument
> conventions, lambda x,y: insert(x).into(y) does what you want.
> The point is so that in code that expects dynamically called functions or
> to be able to reference the function by name it needs to have a single name
> that follows backward compatible naming conventions. I would be happy with
> it being on the onus of the developer in question to add a wrapping
> function, less happy than if it was added by default but it would still be
> a saving (and could maybe be in a decorator or something).
> > I've never heard anyone else suggest anything like this, so you might
> want to consider that the annoyance you feel is not a common reaction...
> I know lots of people that have had this reaction but just shrugged it off
> as "the way things are", which would seem like a good way to stagnate a
> language, so I thought I would ask.
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