On 25.10.2021 21:40, byk...@gmail.com wrote:
> Due to https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0554/ multi-interpreters
> implementation going really slow, I had the audicity to try an alternative 
> route
> towards the same objective of implementing multicore support of python:
> instead of sharing the memory by running multiple threads, I employed
> an interprocess shared memory with multiple processes.
> I know there are multiprocessing.sharedctypes and 
> multiprocessing.shared_memory,
> but I went much deeper into it by solving two problems they failed to solve:
> sharing of complex dynamic objects and synchronization of data access.
> I have a working prototype to show: 
> https://github.com/byko3y/python-shared-objects
> It's a kind of software transactional memory within shared memory. It has a 
> basic support
> for fundamental python types (bool, int, str, bytes, tuple, list, dict, 
> object),
> for both atomic and non-atomic transactions via fine-grained RW-locks, has a 
> built-in
> protection against deadlock and starvation.
> Most of my code can also be used for cross-interpreter communication after 
> PEP 554
> is successfully implemented, since cross-interpreter communication is still 
> an open question.

This looks interesting. The 32-bit limitation is a bit of a bummer, but I
suppose that can be lifted, right ?

Some additional pointers for inspiration:

- Here's an old project trying to do more or less the same:

- Another newer one, which is specific to numpy arrays:

- For more general purpose types, there's Apache Arrow's
Plasma store:

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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