On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 12:41 AM Matt del Valle <matthew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2) It's always been an extra thing to explain when teaching python to 
> someone. I always try to cover pep8 very early to discourage people I'm 
> training from internalizing bad habits, and it means you have to explain that 
> the very standard library itself contains style violations that would get 
> flagged in most modern code reviews, and that they just have to keep in mind 
> that despite the fact that the core language does it, they should not.

ISTM that this indicates that you're putting too much focus on PEP 8
too early. At no time does the document ever state that all Python
code ever written must comply with it. New Python programmers should
not feel like they're being forced into a naming convention.

> So the scope of my suggestion is as follows:
> - lowercase types become PascalCase (e.g., `str` -> `Str`, 
> `collections.defaultdict` -> `collections.DefaultDict`)

Pop quiz: Which of these are types and which are functions (or something else)?

bool, classmethod, divmod, enumerate, globals, map, property, sorted, super, zip
collections.deque, collections.namedtuple

Does it even matter? Especially: does it matter enough to force a name
change if a function is replaced with a type, or vice versa?

> - lowercase attributes/functions/methods become snake_case (no changes for 
> names that only contain a single word, so `str.lower()` would be unaffected, 
> but `str.removeprefix()` would get the alias `str.remove_prefix()`)

Are you aware that removeprefix is very new, and that the alternate
name remove_prefix was rejected?


> Given the horrors of the python 2.7 schism I don't think there's any rush to 
> officially deprecate or remove the current non-pep8 names at all. I think 
> that's the sort of thing that can happily and fully be kicked down the road.

Wait, are you deprecating them or not? I'm confused. Earlier you were
saying that you clearly wanted to stop people from using the old
names, but now you're saying there's no rush to deprecate them.

> If we add aliases and they see widespread adoption to the point where the 
> non-pep8 forms are barely ever even seen out in the wild then maybe in 10 or 
> 20 years time when the steering council is deliberating on a new major python 
> version they can consider rolling the removal of legacy badly-cased names 
> into it. And if not then no big deal.

That will never happen. It's still possible today to find code written
for older 2.x versions, including some quite popular answers on places
like Stack Overflow.

Suppose that these aliases were added in Python 3.11. Anyone who wants
to write code compatible with 3.10 would want to continue using the
existing names, and since the existing names would keep on being
supported for the foreseeable future, there would be little incentive
to change until several versions have passed. At that point, both
names might start being used in parallel (we're talking probably 2025
or thereabouts, although it might start sooner if people are also
using syntactic features from 3.11+), but it would take a VERY long
time for adoption to the level that the older names are "barely ever
even seen". Probably never.
> So yeah, thoughts?

Absolutely no value in adding aliases for everything, especially
things that can be shadowed. It's not hugely common, but suppose that
you deliberately shadow the name "list" in your project - now the List
alias has become disconnected from it, unless you explicitly shadow
that one as well. Conversely, a much more common practice is to
actually use the capitalized version as a variant:

class List(list):

This would now be shadowing just one, but not the other, of the
built-ins. Confusion would abound.

In closing, I'd just like to highlight one very important section of PEP 8:


When a style guide becomes a boat anchor, it's not doing its job.

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