On Sat, 5 Mar 2022 at 04:34, Christopher Barker <python...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > In the status quo, we have a filtered loop written as:
>> >
>> >     for item in items:
>> >         if condition:
>> >             block
> The thing is, if block is more than a couple lines, you need to look down to 
> see if there’s an else or any number of elif blocks down there— so this isn’t 
> a clear expression of a filtered iteration after all. Which is why I 
> suggested that:
> for item in items:
>     if not condition:
>           continue
>     block
> Would be the more direct expression of "filtered iteration" -- still not a 
> whole lot of code, but a bit more awkward.
> The other thing that I think is relevant is that comprehensions already have 
> a filtering option -- so while new syntax technically. this proposal would be 
> familiar and create a bit more consistency in the language.
> Another half formed idea:
> Comprehension can express map-like behavior or map and filter behavior, but 
> no way to filter without a do nothing map.
> e.g if you want to only filter, you need to do:
> (item for item in items if condition)
> I wonder if there's a way to not need to the "item for item" wasted text:
> (Item in items if condition)
> and
> [item in items if condition]
> maybe??
> it's not legal syntax now. That would then allow:

Tempting, very tempting. I've been in the situation of wanting this
before. Without the word "for", though, it doesn't say that it's a
loop, and "item in items" is a condition, "if" can be used as part of
an if/else expression, and overall, this is dangerously close to valid
syntax. What if omitting the value were to automatically use the loop

[for item in items if condition]

But at this point it's not really saving much.

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