On Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 10:50 AM malmiteria <martin.mi...@ensc.fr> wrote:

> why does it have to be automatic?

because that's the entire point of super() -- if you don't want automatic,
do what you want by making direct method calls.

> if they think one is more specialized than the other, they make one
> inherit from the other, they don't set them both as parent of a third.

I think the best use case for multiple inheritance is mixins -- which do
have a natural order -- as you say, in other cases, you can do single

> Tho, to make it clear, i've no doubt it's doable without super today. My
> point is that MRO as it is, has some flaws.

Also, super() actually calls the method on all the  superclasses (but not
the same one twice) -- so that right to left thing doesn't matter.

It does matter with regular calling of methods, though, but you need SOME
rule there.


> Also, Eventual hierarchy where the rule won't fit are simply not allowed
> today, no matter your use of super.
> take this one for example :
> ```
> class A(X, Y): pass
> class B(Y, X): pass
> class C(A, B): pass
> ```
> This code fails, you can overcome it through composition, but
> nevertheless, this doesn't justify this problem.
> Essentially it's a case of "this is broken, but something else close
> enough isn't". It works, but it's still broken
> Oh and just to make it more explicit, MRO and super are two different
> concern of mine here. They could be addressed separately, but since those
> feature are related, i felt like sharing it in one post
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