> because that's the entire point of super() -- if you don't want automatic,
> do what you want by making direct method calls.

Yeah, but current solution is very unknown to most programmers, so they 
wouldn't know before hand to do that.
My solution provides a direct message to the developper telling him what the 
problem is through an error (only when there's a conflict).
They then can solve it, because at this point, no matter what their previous 
level of knowledge on the topic, they're now informed enough to make a proper 
I don't think there's any doubt about that, a solution that occasionally raises 
error is more informative than an other solution that never does. Eventually, 
we can argue what level of information is needed for the programmer.
I think the fact that so many people are sending links to seminar / talks shows 
that a fairly large level of knowledge is needed to make proper use of current 
super + MRO
My solution on the other hand doesn't require pre acquired knowledge (well, 
they still need to know how to code to some extent, but that's a common ground 
between current solution and my proposal) and the error can inform them on real 
time. This is an information from python itself, not from any external sources, 
so it's much more likely to get through

I genuinly believe this to be a strong argument for my proposal
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