On Tue, 29 Mar 2022 at 18:13, StrikerOmega
<oddochentaycinco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The grab function would find the index of the first occurrence of the "start" 
> string in the parent string and then the next occurrence of the "end" string 
> starting from that index and return the substring between those.

This sounds like a really good job for preparsing. Take your string,
parse it according to your rules, and build a list or dict of the
cooked results. Then you can look up in that very easily and
efficiently. Going back to the string every time tends to be
inefficient, but a single pass that gives you a convenient lookup
table is both easier to work with and easier to execute. In your

tree:[Apple tree]

I'd start by splitting it into lines, then for each line, partitioning
it on the colon, thus giving you a keyword and a value. (I'm not sure
what it means to have quantity 5 and quantity 3, but I'm sure you'd
define that in some way - maybe first one wins, or last one wins, or
build a list of all the values, whatever makes sense.) You could end
up with something like:

    "fruit": "apple",
    "tree": "Apple tree",
    "quantity": ...

depending on how you resolve the conflict.

Python is an excellent language for text processing; you have a wide
variety of pretty cool tools available.

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