On Sun, Apr 03, 2022 at 01:09:00PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> There was a proposal to provide literal syntax for physical units like
> meters, kilograms, and seconds, along the the SI magnitude prefixes.
> I think that got to the "proto-PEP" stage, but it got a lot of weak
> opposition for a number of reasons, mostly "Python isn't intended for
> creating DSLs 

Python is excellent for creating DSLs. It is one of the things it is 
well known for.


> There are frequently proposals to give the Decimal constructor a
> literal syntax, always rejected on the grounds that it's not needed
> and there hasn't been a really compelling syntax that everybody likes.

That's not my recollection.

My recollection is that in principle, at least, there is a reasonable 
level of support for a built-in decimal type, no strong opposition, and 
consensus that the syntax that makes the most sense is a "d" suffix:


The implementation would be a fixed-precision (64- or 128-bit) type 
rather than the variable precision implementation used in the decimal 
module, which would massively reduce the complexity of the 
implementation and the public interface.

(No context manager for the builtin decimal, fixed precision, only one 
rounding mode, no user-control over what signals are trapped, etc. If 
you need all those bells and whistles, use the decimal module.)

The discussion fizzled out rather than being rejected.

Whether it would be rejected *now*, two or four(?) years later, by a 
different Steering Council, is another story.

> There are also frequent proposals to create special string literals,
> with occasionals successes like rawstrings (the r"" syntax)

Raw strings were added in Python 1.5 to support the new re module:


There was no formal mechanism for adding new features back then.

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