It's not often that I would say that C++ is easier to read or more WYSIWYG than 
Python, but in this case, C++ is clearly well ahead of Python. I have spent a 
fair amount of my own time, and I have seen so many others' time wasted because 
command line or input fields do not include units, or the inputs field units 
are accidentally handled with different units, or units are not used at all.

I get the sentiment that Python, or programming languages in general, are not 
meant to deal with units. From the perspective of a computer scientist, I can 
understand why this would be seen as a level of abstraction too high for 
programming languages and core libraries to aspire to. But from the perspective 
of a scientist or engineer, units are a CORE part of language. Anyone who has 
taken science or engineering classes in college knows what happens when you 
turn in homework with missing units in your answers - zero credit. Anyone who 
has worked out complicated calculations by hand, or with the help of packages 
like "units" knows the sinking feeling and the red flags raised when your 
answer comes out in the wrong units.

There has also been a shift in the expectations of scientists and engineers 
regarding their programming capabilities. A generation ago, a good many of them 
would not be expected to use their computers for anything more than writing 
documents, crunching numbers in a spreadsheet, or using a fully integrated 
task-specific application for which their employer paid dearly. These 
assumptions were codified in workflows and job descriptions. Today, if your 
workflow, especially in R&D, has a gap that Microsoft Office or task-specific 
software doesn't solve for you, then you are pretty much expected to write your 
own code. Job postings for engineering roles (other than software engineering) 
regularly include programming in their required skills. Software design, on the 
other hand, is rarely a required or hired skill. And even though these 
scientists and engineers are required to know how to program, they are almost 
never *paid* to write code. Spending any more time than needed writing code, ev
 en if it is to fill a critical gap in a workflow, is seen as a negative. So 
software design best practices are non-existent. All of this leads to very poor 
practices around and improper handling of an absolutely essential part of 
scientific and engineering language - units.

If you had asked me twenty years ago if I thought units should be a native part 
of any programming language, I would have said absolutely - because in my 
youthful ignorance I had no idea what it would take to make such a thing work. 
Five years later, I would have said "not worth it". Now I'm back where I 
started. The lack of native language support for SI units is a problem for an 
entire segment of programmers. Programming languages took a big step forward in 
deciding that EVERYTHING is a pointer/reference, and EVERYTHING is an object. 
They need to take another step forward to say that EVERY number has a unit, 
including "unitless". Not having this language feature is becoming (or already 
is) a problem. The question is, is it Python's problem?
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