On Tue, 5 Apr 2022 at 00:48, Brian McCall
<brian.patrick.mcc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Asked and answered!
> > * There are an unlimited number of derived (non-SI) and compound units
> >   that people will want to use.
> Unlimited? You sure that problem can't be bounded? There are few things I can 
> think of that could bound this problem in a performance-friendly manner.
> In terms of the internal representation of units, the representation that is 
> use for machine calculations, there are only 7 units that need to be 
> supported. Everything else is a product of powers of these 7 units. So you 
> can represent every combination with 7 counters. And those counters do not 
> need to have lots of bits. If you're using units in a way that leads to 
> meters**255, then you might have a bug in your code, or you might be doing 
> something that doesn't really need units. 4-8 bits are enough to store the 
> powers of the 7 SI quantities (4-8 bytes). Translating those 7 quantities to 
> the few hundred standard derived units can be handled by higher level 
> libraries, which may still require counters of multiple types of units 
> depending on the level and breadth of support being maintained.

That would only be true if we had infinite-precision numbers. You
can't simply store "this is two lengths divided by a time" and expect
everything else to work perfectly.

> > Having a single interpreter-wide namespace for units will cause many
> > name collisions. I expect that units should be scoped like variables
> > are, with some variant of the LEGB (Local, Enclosing, Global, Builtin)
> > scoping rules in place.
> Yes, yes, yes!

The trouble with namespacing like this is that you need to be
extremely verbose about which units you're using in which module. With
a single interpreter-wide namespace, all you have to do is ask the SI
module to register itself, and you're done, they're available.

Is it really that much of a problem? Tell me: How often do you REALLY
expect to have collisions within an application, but in different
modules? YAGNI.

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