> Agreed, this is just using Python as a glorified calculator. I understand 
> that this is just an example, but I *am* curious, is the bulk of what you do 
> simply calculations like this, or do your more complicated examples tend to 
> be more like actual programs?

I have never shipped code that would depend on these features. Code like this, 
including this exact formula, might sit in a script and be used to calculate 
normalization factors and feed into a noise model. That script might look at 
one complete concept that I want to test out in theoretical sense. In other 
cases, I'll make one or more of those quantities out to be variables that I 
pass in via command line or config file. This allows me to explore a system 
design space.

I used to ship code when I worked in telecom ~15 years ago, and that was mostly 
C++. Units were not a concern. I shipped C++ and Python code 2-5 years ago at 
another company (startup) which did not require units, but I also did my 
feasibility assessments with stuff like this that did depend on units.

> Given that the error was in the magnitude of one of the values, "magnitudes 
> are easily verifiable" doesn't really seem that correct...

... ah, I mean the mantissa, not the magnitude

> Please can you explain this to me? I don't know what you mean by "get the 
> final answer", nor do I know how astropy.units is relevant. Units seems to be 
> a perfectly acceptable library without astropy, is that not the case?

Am I mistaken, or is the units module no longer maintained? I could not find 
any documentation for it. Which is also a con. I honestly thought that "units" 
took on a new life as "astropy.units".

> As has been mentioned, if you don't like "units." then "from astropy import 
> units as U" and use "U.ms" of "from astropy.units import ms" and use ms 
> directly.

As an fyi, lots of single-letter variables are commonly used to match variables 
in physics and engineering equations. U and u are of particular importance in 
my field.

> Don't use "import *" then, just import the names you need.

Still rules out a lot of commonly used variables. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

> Maybe that suggests that there's room for a unified library that takes the 
> best ideas from all of the existing ones, and pulls them together into 
> something that subject experts like yourself *would* be happy with (within 
> the constraints of the existing language)

Just to point out, I don't make this suggestion just for my benefit. I can 
handle all of the syntax limitations that I pointed out. I am in a somewhat 
unique position of having a BS in computer engineering, but I have worked for 
10+ years now in the optics industry, along with physicists, electrical 
engineers, and mechanical engineers. I was taught in school all about OOP, data 
structures, all that stuff. But most of the people I know today who write code 
do not have any formal training in this area. There are varying ranges of 
comfort with things like logical indexing, dot-notation (which you and I take 
for granted) and functions as objects that can be returned by other functions. 
I have seen code that looks like spaghetti served in a bowl that was shattered 
and put back together with duct tape. And some of it is related to units. If I 
make suggestions like what you have made, the response I tend to get is "my 
code works". Which would be fine with me if I never had to use their code.

Others who feel strongly about units, or dual threat CS/ECE types who have to 
work with self-taught programmers with physics or chemistry backgrounds may 
have other stories.
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