>You have the source to Queue.py in your standard library >folder. Why not throw a few more print statements into >its __init__ and see what you learn?

Yeah I put some print statements in init and it seems
to complete.

>Are you by any chance running on a new version of the
>Linux kernel, where the threading model has changed?
>(Or was it just RedHat 9.0?)

RedHat 7.2, 2.4.20 kernel.  Get the same hangup on
Win2000 Pro. Which leads me to believe it has nothing
to do with kernel threads.

Well its an anomaly. I sent to bug list. Probably never see it again. I think some sort of semaphore thingy, which I know nothing about, is sneaking in under unreproducible conditions. I'm moving on.

I'm love python for multi-thread, simple socket programming
and lots of reasons.  This is the first thing that's looked
like a bug in 5 years (1.5), I'm not worried.

Thanks for your help.


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