On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 04:03:53 -0800, Paul Rubin wrote:

> Christopher Koppler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> IMO (and - indubitably limited - experience) in the many cases where it
>> *would* be an excellent choice, it *is* most often a matter of politics,
>> to have a project use, say C# or Java instead of Python (or Lisp for that
>> matter) as the main development language.
> I don't know that C# is really that much different from Python.  I
> haven't used it but I have the impression that it's sort of similar
> under the skin.

Well, it *does* take some pointers from Python but it's still
much more like Java (and even C++) under the hood, AFAIK. I'll get to
know firsthand soon, though, as I'll have to acquaint myself fully with
C#'s benefits, pitfalls and whatnot for a new project I'm on that (for
definitely political reasons) will have it as the main development
language. I'd pity myself if it weren't temporary; Python withdrawal isn't
good for my health ;-)


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