Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2004-12-31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> When I copy code from a source file into a Google Groups
> >> message, the indentation is messed up, making my Python code
> >> illegal and all my code ugly. Are there tricks to avoid this?
> >
> > Try putting a # at the start of every line. Everyone should
> > understand what you mean (and you can always tell them to remove
> > the #'s once they copy the listing).
> >
> > #import gmpy
> > #i = 7
> > #while i<100000:
> I always rather liked line numbers (a-la 'can -n').  That also
> makes discussion of the code easier:
>      1        import gmpy
>      2        i = 7
>      3        while i<100000:
>      4        # conjecture 1
>      5
>      6             if ((i % 3)>0) and ((i % 5)>0):
>      7                     f = gmpy.fib(i)
>      8                     ip = gmpy.is_prime(i)
>      9                     fm = f % i
>     10                     if (fm==(i-1)) and (ip==0):
>     11                             print "fib %5d: %5d (mod %5d)" %
>     12                             print gmpy.is_prime(i)
>     13             i += 2
>     14
>     15        """
>     16        Conjecture #1: if i ends in 3 or 7 and fib(i) == i-1 (mod i)
>     17                       then i is prime
>     18
>     19        run #1 print all fib(i) == i-1 (mod i) that are composite
>     20
>     21        fib  5777:  5776 (mod  5777) 0 <-- counter example
>     22        fib 10877: 10876 (mod 10877) 0 <-- counter example
>     23        fib 17261: 17260 (mod 17261) 0
>     24        fib 75077: 75076 (mod 75077) 0 <-- counter example
>     25        fib 80189: 80188 (mod 80189) 0
>     26        """
> Not sure what Google Groups does to it...

It wrapped lines 16 and 19. But "show original" restores it.

> --
> Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Now I
understand the
>                                   at               meaning of "THE


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