"David Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello. I recently came across a free operating system called Unununium (or
something like that) and it was developed in Python and Assembly.

Now, I have been looking for a way to make an operating system for a long
long time and the only possibilities I could find were C++ and assembly. I
don't mind assembly so much if I don't have to use it very often. But C++ is
so complicated and errors are pretty much impossible to find in the code for

So, I was wondering if it would be possible to find a bootloader that loads
a python file at startup or something...

Is there an example somewhere of a Python OS?

As far as I know, there's no working example. Unununium is still very early development, and it's going off in a quite interesting direction that is hardly standard.

Writing an operating system is a lot of work. The approach I'd
take would be to start out with an existing micro-kernel and
enhance it with a kernel level Python system so that you wouldn't
need any C or Asm level code in a typical process.

Then I'd pursue a restricted subset of Python that could be
compiled directly to machine code, and start recoding the
various C and Asm parts in that. See the PyPy project for
the direction they're taking for writing the Python system in

Have fun with the project!

John Roth


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