Andrey Tatarinov wrote:

It would be great to be able to reverse usage/definition parts in haskell-way with "where" keyword. Since Python 3 would miss lambda, that would be extremly useful for creating readable sources.

Usage could be something like:

 >>> res = [ f(i) for i in objects ] where:
 >>>     def f(x):
 >>>         #do something


 >>> print words[3], words[5] where:
 >>>     words = input.split()

- defining variables in "where" block would restrict their visibility to one expression

How often is this really necessary? Could you describe some benefits of this? I think the only time I've ever run into scoping problems is with lambda, e.g.

    [lambda x: f(x) for x, f in lst]

instead of

    [lambda x, f=f: for x, f in lst]

Are there other situations where you run into these kinds of problems?

- it's more easy to read sources when you know which part you can skip, compare to

 >>> def f(x):
 >>>     #do something
 >>> res = [ f(i) for i in objects ]

in this case you read definition of "f" before you know something about it usage.

Hmm... This seems very heavily a matter of personal preference. I find that your where clause makes me skip the 'res' assignment to read what the 'res' block contains. I had to read it twice before I actually looked at the list comprehension. Of course, I'm sure I could be retrained to read it the right way, but until I see some real benefit from it, I'd rather not have to.



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