Torsten Mohr schrieb:
along with my distribution SuSE 9.1 came python 2.3.3.

I'd like to update to 2.4 now, is this an easy thing to do
or will lots of installed modules refuse to work then?

Is there an easy way to find out what i need to update?

I uninstalled 2.3.3 and compiled/installed 2.4 from source. Now there is a problem: each time I change my system, SuSE tries to reinstall 2.3.3 because of dependencies. I tried to mark SuSE-Python as tabu (taboo?) but this it isn't stored. Not sure if it is my fault or SuSE's. I'm too lazy to track it down.

Perhaps you can do a regular upgrade via FTP. I didn't try that.

Peter Maas,  M+R Infosysteme,  D-52070 Aachen,  Tel +49-241-93878-0
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