Bob Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Attached is the code. Run it yourself and see.

This seems to run nmap over series of consecutive IP addresses.  nmap
can do that all by itself.  From its man page::

       Nmap also has a more powerful notation which lets  you  specify  an  IP
       address  using  lists/ranges  for  each element.  Thus you can scan the
       whole class 'B' network  128.210.*.*  by  specifying  '128.210.*.*'  or
       '128.210.0-255.0-255' or even '128.210.1-50,51-255.1,2,3,4,5-255'.  And
       of course you can use the mask notation: ''.   These  are
       all  equivalent.  If you use astericts ('*'), remember that most shells
       require you to escape them with  back  slashes  or  protect  them  with

This setting might be useful too::

       --max_parallelism <number>
              Specifies the maximum number of scans Nmap is allowed to perform
              in parallel.  Setting this to one means Nmap will never  try  to
              scan more than 1 port at a time.  It also effects other parallel
              scans such as ping sweep, RPC scan, etc.

[sorry not Python related but may solve your problem!]
Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --

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