Richie Hindle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > [MoinMoin] doesn't have [...] automatic update notification for
> > specific pages of your choice
> Yes it does.  See for example - register there
> and you'll see in your preferences "Subscribed wiki pages (one regex per

Oh interesting, thanks.

> MoinMoin has an option to display WikiWords with spaces between them
> (albeit still capitalised), again in the user preferences.

Oh good, that's cool too, though this goes to show that the MoinMoin
documentation could stand a lot of improvement (this holds in other
areas as well).  I don't understand why using spaces is the default.
Who except for demented Java programmers really likes this MixedCase
nonsense?  Is there a way to turn it off altogether, so you can use
mixed case words on wiki pages without automatically generating a

> I'm not saying that MoinMoin is better than MediaWiki, just that it really
> does have some of the features you say it doesn't (perhaps you've been
> looking at an old version).

I'm not saying MoinMoin is "worse" than MediaWiki, just as I wouldn't
say a rowboat is worse than an aircraft carrier.  MediaWiki is the
only choice that makes any sense for large wikis (say > 20k pages).
For small ones, MoinMoin is easier to operate in many ways, which is a
big plus.

It would be nice if MoinMoin changed its markup language to be closer
to MediaWiki's.  I edit MediaWiki pages all the time and I hate having
to switch back and forth between languages (actually that's another
reason I've reacted not-so-well to MoinMoin's language).  I think I
saw something in the MoinMoin docs saying that some standard was being
developed that would look like MediaWiki, and that MoinMoin would
support the standard, so I guess this will work out in the long run.

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