Op 2005-01-11, Jeff Shannon schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Paul Rubin wrote:
>> Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>[...] and if you think that
>>>newbies will have their lives made easier by the addition of ad hoc
>>>syntax extensions then you and I come from a different world (and I
>>>suspect the walls might be considerably harder in mine than in yours).
>> I'm saying that many proposals for ad hoc extensions could instead be
>> taken care of with macros.  Newbies come to clpy all the time asking
>> how to do assignment expressions, or conditional expressions, or
>> call-by-reference.  Sometimes new syntax results.  Lots of times,
>> macros could take care of it.
> Personally, given the requests in question, I'm extremely thankful 
> that I don't have to worry about reading Python code that uses them. 
> I don't *want* people to be able to make up their own 
> control-structure syntax, because that means I need to be able to 
> decipher the code of someone who wants to write Visual Basic as 
> filtered through Java and Perl...

No you don't. 

You could just as well claim that you don't want people to write
code in other languages because you then would need to be able
to decipher code written in that language.

> If I want mental gymnastics when 
> reading code, I'd use Lisp (or Forth).  (These are both great 
> languages, and mental gymnastics would probably do me good, but I 
> wouldn't want it as part of my day-to-day requirements...)

Your day-to-day requirements are a contract between you and your
employer or between you and your clients. That you don't want
mental gymnastics as part of that, shouldn't be a concern for
how the language develops.

Antoon Pardon

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