I'm trying to make a Windows runtime for Dabo, and I want to exclude the framework code itself from the exe file, so that people can update with new releases as they are made. The relevant section of setup.py has:

        # The first three parameters are not required, if at least a
        # 'version' is given, then a versioninfo resource is built from
        # them and added to the executables.
        version = "0.3.0",
        description = "Dabo Runtime Engine",
        name = "daborun",
        # targets to build
        console = ["daborun.py"],
        #exclude the actual framework
        options = { "py2exe": {"excludes" : ["dabo"]} },

Yet the generated library.zip still contains all of the Dabo module code. Why is this? What am I doing wrong?

 Ed Leafe


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