I'm writing a relatively simple multi-user public Web application with Python. It's a rewrite of a similar application which used PHP+MySQL (not particularly clean code, either). My opinions on various Web frameworks tends to vary with the phase of the moon, but currently, I'm planning to use Quixote.

Needless to say, my application will need some kind of persistent data storage. The previous PHP+MySQL application uses around 1.1GB of storage, so something like PyPerSyst where everything is kept in memory is out.

I've looked at SQLObject, and it's very nice, but it doesn't provide certain features I really want, like the ability to store lists of strings or integers directly in the database (using commas in a varchar column or something).

ZODB is very nice, but IndexedCatalog doesn't seem to provide any automatic mechanisms for things like ensuring attribute uniqueness (for e.g. usernames). I suppose I could implement manual checking in every class that needs it, but it really seems like very error-prone code to be implementing at the application level.

My ideal solution would be an object database (or object-relational mapper, I guess) which provided total transparency in all but a few places, built-in indexing, built-in features for handling schema changes, the ability to create attributes which are required to be unique among other instances, and built-in querying with pretty syntax. Atop seems to come pretty close, but since it's meant to be used in the asynchronous Twisted environment, it doesn't provide any thread safety.

So basically, I'm wondering if there are any Python data storage solutions I haven't noticed that come a bit closer to what I'm looking for. I could live without built-in schema evolution; the querying is really the most important feature I want.

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