Hi all,

Using wx
When adding a second timer as i have the first,  the second timer
adding  stops the first timer (updating or stops?) . In this example im
updating a uptime and localtime label. It works fine for displaying the
last "self.startTimer2()" called. But prevents the previous
self.startTimer1() from running . Im doing something fundamentally
wrong i guess?

    def __init__(self, parent):

            #Start timers

    def startTimer1(self):
        self.t1 = wx.Timer(self)
        self.t1.Start(360) # 360000 ms = 1/10 hour
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnUpTime)

    def startTimer2(self):
        self.t2 = wx.Timer(self)
        self.t2.Start(1000) # run every second
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTime)

    def OnTime(self,evt):

    def OnUpTime(self, evt):
        self.lblUptime.SetLabel('Running ' + (str(myTimerText[0])) + '
hours') # 1/10  hour count
        myTimerText[0] = myTimerText[0] + .1

Any help appreciated, ta


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