On 2006-07-31, John Machin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> but if you
>> wish ==>
>> on one device, the processor in an 8-bit arm and the X-compiler is made by
>> epson
> 1. You still haven't *NAMED* the CPU and the compiler!!

He obviously doesn't want to have to kill all of us.

> 2. Do you mean ARM as in "Acorn/Advanced RISC Machines"??

That's the only "arm" processor I know about.

> They make 8-bit CPUs????


> 3. How does the device manage to compute the 8-decimal-digit number
> that is your input??????

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Yow! Maybe I should
                                  at               have asked for my Neutron
                               visi.com            Bomb in PAISLEY--

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