John Machin wrote:

> Simon Forman wrote:
>> Philippe, please!  The suspense is killing me.  What's the cpu!?
>> For the love of God,  what's the CPU?
>> I-can't-take-it-anymore-it's-such-a-simple-question-ingly yours,
> Yes, please .....
> I've found a C compiler manual on the web for the Epson S1C33 CPU as
> well as the one for the S1C88 that Philippe pointed me at. They have
> two things in common:
> (1) explicitly mention support for 32-bit longs
> (2) in the bottom right corner of most pages, it has the part number
> (which includes S1Cxx) and the version number.
> Philippe has what he believes to be the manual for the C compiler for
> the CPU in the device,  but couldn't find it on the web.
> Perhaps if Philippe could divulge the part number that's in the bottom
> right corner of the manual that he has, and/or any part number that
> might be mentioned in the first few pages of that manual, enlightenment
> may ensue ....
> Cheers,
> John

That was cute ... over and out !

Long live Python.




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