Tim Golden wrote:

> | > [gel]
> | >
> | > | I have written a python client server app [...]
> | > | I want to run the client end of the app more or less invisibly
> | > | (no console) on the XP clients when ever a users logs on.
> While this isn't answering the question you first
> asked, might I suggest an alternative approach?
> Obviously, I'm working from no more than the sketch
> you gave of your app and its requirements, but might
> it be worth turning the problem on its head, and
> using WMI?
> Advantages:
> 1) WMI will -- almost certainly -- already be running on your
> target machines. No need to install your own service.
> 2) WMI has a fair range of mechanisms for determining
> what processes are starting, stopping, etc. and for
> manipulating them remotely.
> 3) You can, at least in theory, access any number of machines
> from a central server, and with a bit of judicious threading
> or looping, you should be able to generate a fair bit of resilience
> to machine dropouts etc.
> Disadvantages:
> 1) What you're doing may be far more complex than you've
> outlined, requiring a local service per target machine
> for other reasons.
> 2) You may have already invested some amount of time and
> effort in developing an app which does what you want.
> 3) I may have entirely misunderstood what you're trying
> to do in any case.
> If you're interested and want a code sample, let me know.
> If you're not, that's fine.

Hi Tim

Thanks for your suggestion, I have just got to read the post now and
appolagise to you and the others who have replied to my post for the
big gap.  I will have a read today and get back to you.


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