Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> emrahayanoglu wrote:
> >
> > Now i want to listen all of you. What do you want in that web
> > framework(Easy use of Database, Easy use of XML, GUI Designer, etc...)?
> Don't think that yet another Python web framework is really needed.

Why not? I know that some people are probably basking in the glory of
supposedly having their favourite framework recently blessed by the
BDFL, whilst others lament the almost unfair rejection of their own
framework on possibly dubious grounds by the very same person (thus
seeing their "winner takes all" strategy backfire totally), but open
source and various other network-effect movements benefit from lots of
people trying different things (the "scratch your own itch"
observation) rather than everyone gathering together for one big
strategy meeting.

Certainly, I'd recommend against anyone starting out on such a project
without having at least looked at the state of the Web frameworks scene
[1] and Python Web programming in general [2] (a resource which I've
recently updated in order to remove a degree of incoherency introduced
over the years), but apart from some Zope-based tools, I haven't seen
much GUI-designer-friendly stuff in the Python frameworks scene, for
example, nor does XML (in its widest W3C sense) seem to be
well-integrated into most frameworks (4Suite and some other less hyped
frameworks aside).

So it's not just a case of picking one of the more popular
frameworks-du-jour, especially since many of them seem to have their
own wheel-reinvention tendencies despite protests to the contrary.




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