> First, I don't intend this to be a flame war, please. 

Then avoid crossposting to both c.l.ruby and c.l.python !-)
(BTW, fu2 c.l.python).

> Python
> and Ruby are the only two languages I'd willingly work in
> (at least amongst common languages), and TurboGears and
> Rails seem roughly equivalent.
> I'm much more knowledgable about Python, but that's a minor
> issue--I've been intending to learn more Ruby anyway.
> Here are the pros and cons that I'm aware of and consider
> important:
> Turbogears:
> + SqlObject allows working with the DB tables without
> using SQL itself.

I personnaly don't like SqlObject. SqlAlchemy looks like a much better
solution IMHO. And FWIW, Ruby has it's own ORM too.


> I was initially leaning towards Rails due to maturity,
> but the most recent version of TurboGears seem to have
> fixed a lot of the "ad hoc" feeling I got from previous
> versions. But I'm still very much up in the air.

Then take a few days to play with both Rails and TG and go with the one
that better fits your brain.

FWIW, you may also want to check Pylons (another Python Web-MVC framework).

My 2 cents
bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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