On Thu, 31 Aug 2006 11:42:47 -0300, Jorge Godoy wrote:

> TG supports SQL Alchemy as well.  With SQL Alchemy I believe you'll have a
> better experience than with Rails' ORM.

I would not be so sure. I have tried to work with SQL Alchemy (using
Pylons) and I have been disappointed. :( It's syntax for selects is ugly
and not intuitive. Django ORM looks much better. SQLAlchemy has to be added
to Django as alternative ORM but *without breaking* current, clean API:

>> But rhtml is much more flexible because it can generate *any content*,
>> not only xml. But Rails has THREE template systems: rhtml (main), rxml
>> (for rss and xml generation) and rjs (for javascript and AJAX).
> Well, TG has a few templating systems...  MarkUp, Kid, Cheetah, ZPT, and
> others.  You can choose the one that best fits your needs / brain.  

This is another topic. Rails can also use another third-party template
system (like Liquid which was inspired by Django). For me using many,
different template systems *for the same task* make no sense. Rails uses
three templates, but for *different tasks*. Its RJS is perfect for AJAX.
Really cool, simple, and almost no javascript is required. Just clean Ruby
for everything.

Jarosław Zabiełło

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