Rob Wolfe wrote:
Hari Sekhon wrote:
I am writing a wrapper to a binary command to run it and then do
something with the xml output from it.

What is the best way of making sure that the command is installed on the
system before I try to execute it, like the python equivalent of the
unix command "which"?

Otherwise I'd have to do something like:

if os.system('which somecommand') != 0:
    print "you don't have %s installed" % somecommand

I know that isn't portable which is why a python solution would be
better (although this will run on unix anyway, but it'd be nice if it
ran on windows too).

IMHO this is pretty portable:

def is_on_path(fname):
...     for p in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
...             if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p, fname)):
...                     return True
...     return False



That works well and is portable, fits nicely. I was actually curious if somebody already came across this and perhaps put a func like this in the standard modules...



Hari Sekhon

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