stu wrote:
> Wildemar Wildenburger wrote:
>> Finally! I usually try to stay out of these discussions; yet I'm always
>> disappointed at how few people seem to be using jEdit and how long it
>> takes them to come out of their holes.
> well when people start reccomending things like textpad which is crap.
> textpad requires payment, and if someone is gonna pay for it
> they might as well buy ultraedit instead..
> but they need to atleast checkout jedit first :)
> with its plugins for jython + jpydebug...
> -stu

Hi Stu und "Willie",

I'm a total newbie to Python, and what(for me) are appropriate tools. I 
will be running it under (sigh) Windows. I'm using IDLE for the time 
being, aided by Notepad++. I don't yet know what jython is about, or 
for, but I'm up for trying jedit for python. Which plugins give me a 
good start for scientific stuff? I am not interested in Web/html apps.
And is there an IDE out there that lets us create GUI dialogs along the 
lines of what MS provides with Excel and, I assume, VB?


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