Mentre io pensavo ad una intro simpatica "Franz Steinhäusler" scriveva:

>>> For the find, I personally would prefer to jump default to "body",
>>> but this is of course a matter of taste.
>>Do you mean you would like the focus to be set on the "body" search
> Yes, that I meant.

OK .. then it's a matter of taste ;-)

>>I don't know how "CTRL+break" interact with XPN, it's better to close it
>>with its exit function "CTRL+E".
> Because it hanged. The dos prompt didn't return, so I have to 
> type ctrl-c or ctrl-break to get the prompt back.

Ah, maybe it was still purging the groups, did you have groups with lots
of articles?

"Di Vaio fa fuori Bonomi e spara". (Pierpaolo Cattozzi)
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