> Thanks to all who took time to answer!
>>> is it possible in python to include another python source file into the
>>> current namespace, i.e.completely analogous to the #include statement
>>> in C.
> [...]
>> Tell us why you are contemplating such a thing, and someone
>> here will help you implement it the "Pythonic" way.
> My application has a configuration file where lots of variables are
> set. (The configuration file is python source, so there is no
> home-brewed parsing involved.) The configuration file is starting to
> get quite large and unwieldy, so for this reason I would like to split
> it in several files.
> I know I could do:
> from configA import *
> from configB import *
> But I felt that the import statemant was 'more' than I wanted. Maybe I
> am just pedantic.

Maybe... "import" is the very appropriate statement for what you want
here IMVHO. I'd just put the config<X>.py files into a 'config'
directory, add an __init__.py, and put the 'from configX import *'
there. Then in the app code, a simple 'import config', which allow acces
to config vars via 'config.varname' (clean namespaces really improve

My 2 cents

> Regards
> Joakim

bruno desthuilliers
python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

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