George Sakkis wrote:
> Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
> > I like to add a method "writeDebug(self, msg)" to all (or the most
> > possible) classes in the system.
> >
> > How do I do this?
> >
> > * with new style classes
> > * with old style classes
> Short answer: you can't do it for builtin or extension types:
> >>> list.writeDebug = lambda msg: "You'd wish"
> ...
> TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'list'
> Longer asnwer: Make it a function instead of a method. This function
> could try to call the respective method, and as a fallback it would
> have hardcoded what to do for each supported class, something like:
> def writeDebug(obj, msg):
>     try: return obj.writeDebug(msg)
>     except AttributeError:
>         if isinstance(obj,list):
>             # list msg
>         elif isinstance(obj,tuple):
>             # tuple msg
>         ...
>         else:
>             # default object msg
> If you insist though that you'd rather not use functions but only
> methods, tough luck; you're better off with Ruby.

I insist on methods, and It seems that I stay with Python.

The effort for me to rework python to become more OO is much lesser,
than the effort I would have to rework Ruby to become more (this and

And I've already started to like 2 things on python:

* the missing "end" statement and
* (I don't believe I write this) enforced indentation.



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