19 Sep 2006 09:42:51 -0700, Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> If you're going to need win32 system access use the win32all python
> extension (very, very good extension).  Do you need single frame image
> capture, or constant video stream? PIL can be used for the first, it
> might also be usable for video, I'm not sure.
Well I need something like 5-10 fps. An issue is the comression
method: MPEG and friends aren't good (I think) for compressing stuff
with sharp borders. Maybe I could use A sequence of PNG images, but it
isn't a great solution.

For sound, python comes
> with some built in libraries, but you should also take a look at
> pysonic http://www.cs.unc.edu/Research/assist/developer.shtml.  For the
> bandwidth efficiency issue, what type of connection are you using? The
> socket module is quite capable of transmiting whatever data you have,
> so unless you're thinking of implementing some mini bittorrent like
> network in an attempt to save bandwidth I don't know what you can do
> about that. There's an extension called IPqueue which might give you
> somewhere to start for packet/bandwidth manipulation.  Check out The
> Vaults of Parnassus, which has a lot of stuff (including ogg/mp3
> converters last time a check).    Big question, is this supposed to act
> like a remote desktop, or just show what's happening?  Start by
> searching Google, it's very useful.
Well the bandwidth issue is most of all related to  video compression
(see above). Well maybe 256 kbps would be nice.

It should just show what's happening.


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