Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Bruno Desthuilliers a écrit :
> >> I've never met a programmer that "loved" Windev.
> >
> > I have met some here (I'm the guy with a mustache-just kidding but
> > actually I was there).
> >
> >
> >
> > WinDev is widely used in France
> "widely used" ? Widely marketed, for sure, but last time I had to find a
> job, there where not that much Windev positions (3 in one year in the
> fifth french city) - much less than Java or .NET or (whatever your
> mainstream language here) - or even PHP/Javascript FWIW. And it was not
> better in other major french locations...
> (and please avoid us the usual marketing crap - been here, done that)
> > and that's a thing because a lot of
> > french programmers think that english tools "have to be better".
> I think that's one of the dumbiest thing I've ever read.
> Thread's over for me - keeping on polluting this group with anything
> related to this crap is a total waste of resources.
> --
> bruno desthuilliers
> python -c "print '@'.join(['.'.join([w[::-1] for w in p.split('.')]) for
> p in '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@')])"

Two things  (Well three things) : 1- thanks Tim Golden for translating
the financial thingy!
2- I'm just back from the pc-soft site, and what do you know, I saw a
download menu (for upgrades), went there and was told (Cut'nPaste here)

To download these modules, you must own a registered copy of WinDev 10
"English" or "International" version. Otherwise, you are not authorized
to download the modules below.
- Now I don't own a copy so it wouldn't be usaful since it's an
upgrade, but you know what? I hate this tone of voice ("you are not
authorized to ...") but that's ok, it just my feelings. So I go to read
testimonials, and wow playmobil, cool stuff - lots of prfetty playmobil
pics too, even 2 screen shots, excepts that even at 300%, you can't
make out what they are about. OK, so I'm a kid at heart - let's go see
the John Deere testi - Nice pics of tractors and such, another
unreadable screen shot... Eh!, think I, this is promotional stuff, so
its *normal* promotional stuff, lets that a look at the beast since
there is a big red "Download TRIAL VERSION" button by the windev 10
paragraph -so I click and get a "To download the WinDev trial version,
please fill the form below: " message, hummm but there is a download
button at the top of the form and then line annoncing optional
infromation, so I click again without filling the info, thank you, so
now I'm downloading windev 8 - that's before I cancel the job... hummm
again, with all the nice people here and elsewhere, at Microsoft, and
Oracle, and Sun ;-) that give out so much to to try and get there
technology known - and I'm NOT talking about the OpenSource region of
the world - It just makes me wonder, why can't you have an opinion and
disagree with your boss ... But then again, maybe your boss wrote those
testimonials on another life!
3-Re-reading some posts of this thread I'll permit myself an ultimate,
if third point:
"...What is cool about WinDev is that the language is closely embedded
with the GUI. " makes for great MVC apps I'm sure.



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