Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Like others I have my doubts about using commercial products to
> support open source development

I'm all in favour of using commercial products to support Python
development. What I'm not in favour of is using non-free products to
do so.

If we *know* that we can always get all the data out of the product,
and so long as we're constantly aware of any trend to lock in that
data by the proprietary vendor, we can avoid the trap. It's an
additional burden of ongoing diligence that is simply not required
with a free software tool, which is why I'm hoping a free tool can be
chosen instead.

> the guys who did the evaluation have chosen, and I'm not about to
> second guess them.

Indeed; I'm not wanting to take away the power of those who do the
work to decide how it gets done. I don't have the resources nor the
skills to manage a bug tracker for Python, so my input on this is
merely as a passionate free software user who actually values that

 \                 "He who laughs last, thinks slowest."  -- Anonymous |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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