Martin v. Löwis wrote:

> It's significantly different from the Bitkeeper fiasco in two
> important
> ways:
> 1. Bitkeeper is a source revisioning system, so it is similar to CVS
>    and Subversion. This project here is "just" the bug tracker, which
>    is of lesser  importance. If we move to a different one some day, a
>    certain amount of data lossage might be acceptable (e.g. we now
>    likely lose the "history" of status changes and file attachments on
>    each report). An export of all data is high on the requirements
>    list, as Fredrik points out.

I understand your point. OTOH, exactly because the tracker system is a far
lesser importance, it's amazing there is *ever* a need to evaluate non-FLOSS
solutions, when there are so many good free solutions around. Instead of
recommending a closed source solution, you could have recommended Roundup *and*
explained there is a need for funding and/or volunteers before the migration
can happen.

You might also be understimating how negative could be the reaction from the
open-source community to such a move.
Giovanni Bajo


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